Submerged Landscapes meets the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology

10 Jan 2024 by Rachel Harding

In December, our research was demonstrated to the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology at a Creative Industries Showcase, organised to highlight the economic and cultural impact that a combination of R&D funding and creative technologies can have in the UK. Phil Murgatroyd of the Submerged Landscapes Research Centre, along with Unpath’d Waters project PI Barney Sloane of Historic England, presented our simulation environmental change and human occupation in Doggerland. This event provided an excellent platform to emphasize the vital work conducted by the research centre in comprehending submerged landscapes and its significance in the economic development of the UK continental shelf. It also showcased the AHRC’s commitment to funding projects which demonstrate that R&D funding enables the Arts and Humanities to be technological creators and innovators rather than simply using technologies created by others.
Link to Youtube video:

Link to more info on the Unpath’s waters project:
Unpath’d Waters – unleashing the potential of UK maritime heritage –

Photo Credits: Aimee McArdle